“HERE. IS. BETTER.” Screening
Directed by
Date: Friday March 31, 2023
Time: 6:30 pm
Location: Kean University
1000 Morris Ave, Union, NJ 07083
Sponsored By ReelAbilities NJ Film Festival
In this personal documentary, the intimate lives of veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are shared during hopeful therapy sessions. From men to women, Vietnam War to present day, stories are unlocked that dispel myths about PTSD and place focus on veterans’ journeys to a place of healing. Featuring former presidential hopeful Jason Kander.
Content Warning: Discussions of violence-related trauma
This event is offered both virtually and in-person. Registration must be completed for both options.
Register now to reserve your seat. Suggested donation of $5 per screening can be made through the Kean Foundation or in person at the film festival. A post screening question and answer will be available for this event. This film is captioned and audio description is available.
The ReelAbilities NJ – 2022 Film Festival is brought to you by the Office of Education and Community Outreach (OECO) in the College of the Arts at Montclair State University and is made possible by a generous grant from Kessler Foundation.