The Paper Bag Plan
Dir. Anthony Lucero | 2024 | 107 min | Physical, Cognitive
Realizing his overprotectiveness may hinder his son’s independence following his own cancer diagnosis, Oscar becomes Billy's personal trainer. Together, they focus on developing skills for a grocery store bagging job, planning for a future without his protective father. Their poignant journey reveals the deep bond of love and the necessity of letting go, highlighting necessary challenges and triumphs in fostering self-determination.
Rent this film for for 48 hours.
- About
- Cast & Crew
- Accessibility
Language: English
Country: US
Film Rating: n/a
Cast: Cole Massie, Lance Kinsey
Producer: Ke'alohi Lucero, Anthony Lucero
Screenwriter: Anthony Lucero
Editor: n/a
Audio Descriptions and Closed Captioning